What's the difference between Arterial hypertention and Pulmonary hypertension? - pulmonary hypertension bloating
I read somewhere that hypertension in the general media hypertension.
Pulmonary Hypertension Bloating What's The Difference Between Arterial Hypertention And Pulmonary Hypertension?
7:17 AM
HELLO! In fact, hypertension and pulmonary hypertension are the same. That "help simply been updated from the pH of different PAHs, and other documents to SPH and PPH. HP HPS is of secondary importance, something like lupus, the hole in the heart, etc., or PTT idiopathich no known causes. PTT is mine, and I had to drive up to 8 years. There are many places on the Internet to find information and support for PAH. And, of course PHCentral.org PHAssociation.org. , the Biggies.
take care!
Flippy ^ ^ i
Yes, if the term is used alone, refers to high blood pressure to blood pressure in the arteries or blood through the body.
Pulmonary hypertension is typically associated with heart disease, in conjunction ... the inability of the heart to pump blood properly. This often causes the blood accumulates in the arteries and pulmonary veins, resulting in high pressure or pulmonary hypertension. This is usually with the left heart failure, but can be placed on a number of other diseases. The main risk of pulmonary hypertension is a lung aneurysm (ruptured or bulging of the veins / arteries by pressure) or Pulmary embolism (blood clots in the blood slowly).
I hope that helps!
Hypertension, for "Oxford English Dictionary is the current use of" abnormally high blood pressure. Blood has to do with the arteries of the body, while the concerns of the lung lungs.
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